Adsense is one of the leading advertising industries which is a part of Google. Even though they know people apply Adsense in order to earn money it is quite difficult to get approved. Adsense is a platform where publishers can earn some money by publishing Google ads in their website or blogs. Google has some prerequisites to be fulfilled by a person who is applying for a publishers account. So before you apply for an Adsense account gain as much knowledge as you can acquire. In this post I want to share few facts which will influence our income from Adsense.

Blogging platform: 
Blogging platform is one of the crucial elements of one’s Adsense success. You can choose a variety of platform but it is the platform which gets indexed first by a search engine wins the race. As per my survey and observations though there are several free platforms available wordpress has a remarkable features inbuilt in its script which allows a user to make a flexible theme which can be indexed fast by a search engine. Few of the blogging gurus like Darren  Rowse of problogger has his blog built on genesis framework. But my suggestion would be wordpress as an investor and blogger as a non investor. So a good traffic to the blog can make you get few clicks on your Ads so higher the traffic higher the chances of getting your Advertisement clicked.

Niche is the topic which our blog is confined to or the keywords of our blog like education blog, movies blog, jokes blog etc. Choosing a niche also determines some influence over our Adsense earnings. Adsense has a intelligent scripting which allows the advertisement published in our blog to be similar to our blogs niche. Means if ours is a humor oriented blog only Advertisements related to humor would be seen in our page. So if you choose a niche which is lack of proper advertisements in that category then you would not have a successful earning report. If you choose astrology as your niche you would hardly find publishers with that kind of ads so it would not be that much advisable to have such niches. Even people think entertainment blogs giving information’s regarding movies, actors, wallpapers etc can give huge income. But you can only get the traffic but the click rate given to such category ads is very low. And according to my research sites which are technology oriented like blogs which give some mobile specifications, info related to electronic devices, tips and tricks of software's etc are found to possess higher click rate. So if a visitor clicks one entertainment ad the earning would be 1 to 10 cents and if a user clicks a tech related ad the cost per click would be ranging from 1 dollar to 5 dollars. So it is better to have one click in tech oriented blog rather than thousand clicks in entertainment blog.

Ad placement: 
Users who blog should choose a proper place for placing the ad units. Ads which are placed in the top region of the blog usually has a good earning rate than which are placed at the bottom of the page. Also proper customization of the colours to suite our blog should be done so that user will never know that it is an ad. Always choose ad units which suits you theme the best.

Geographical Traffic: 
The clicks of traffic from a particular place do rank high rather than traffic of some regions. If you are a publisher from India and if most of the clicks are from India it would not have much influence. But if your blog has most of the clicks from U.S it would rank much higher than your home country clicks. So clicks from countries like U.S, Canada, Australia, U.K, etc will have little bit higher click value than countries like India, Bangladesh, etc.

So I can conclude that a blog which focuses internationally with technology oriented articles can have a good earning reports from Google Adsense. But to achieve this is not an easy task continuous research and experimenting always helps us to increase our earning rate. Never be in a hurry to earn more or don't be greedy enough to click on your own advertisements for your account would be in danger of getting banned. Happy blogging to all the newbies.

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