Blogging has been into existence from past decade and from its advent many bloggers have made their stand and still many bloggers are growing. Among many niche available technology bloggers have a very high success ratio, in terms of followers, page rank, social networking, Alexa ranking and even earnings too. So this is the list of 7 most influential bloggers of the world who really made a difference.
Robert Scoble:
Robert Scoble has a kind of passion for technology that is hard to match. His enthusiasm bubbles across the screen (in print and video), helping him amass thousands upon thousands of followers over the years. He seems to keep himself busy, whether it’s interviewing people, capturing footage or mapping out the world of technology, even as it changes daily. Scoble first became well-known for his Scobleizer blog, which he started during his time at Microsoft, but he tends to jump from platform to platform, at times heavily posting on Friendfeed, Facebook, Quora, Google+ and surely the next big thing. He has three children; one from a previous marriage and two with Maryam. He currently works for Rackspace and the Rackspace sponsored community site Building 43. He previously worked for Fast Company as a video blogger. He is also the co-author of Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers with Shel Israel.
Michael Arrington:
Michael Arrington founded the blog TechCrunch, which covers Internet start-ups, hardware and software, and it’s one of the most followed and cited blogs around today. While TechCrunch definitely put him on the map, Arrington is most notoriously known for a kerfuffle in the fall of 2011, in which he announced — while still writing for TechCrunch — that he was starting a venture capital fund that could be investing in some of the same companies he covered. At the time, Arrington stated the old rules of journalism (i.e., don’t cover stories you have a stake in) no longer apply, much to the chagrin of the AOL overlords that own TechCrunch. Arrington has since left TechCrunch due to the flap but will certainly remain a prominent voice in the industry.
John Gruber:
Some bloggers post insightful observations frequently enough that one is tempted to keep hitting the browser's "refresh" button. John Gruber is one of those bloggers. Named Daring Fireball, the blog covers mobile devices, operating systems and online culture. Spend five minutes on his site, and you’ll quickly learn that Gruber is an avid Apple fan — albeit to the consternation and negative responses of his detractors — but his keen mind for the long view often proves him right in the end.
David Pogue:
Despite being the most recognized tech voice of The New York Times, David Pogue is not an employee of The Grey Lady. He is, however, a one-man tech powerhouse with 1.5 million Twitter followers, appearances on outlets like CNBC and PBS and many books under his belt. His strength is explaining tech innovations (or over-hyped non-innovations) to the masses.
Matt Cutts:
As the leader of Google’s Webspam team, Matt Cutts is the master of Google’s search algorithm, which affects, oh you know, only the billion or so global users who rely on Google as their primary search engine. You could say he’s the mysterious man behind the curtain, except that he has a very accessible blog where he discusses search issues as well as important industry topics. People especially who are in the field of SEO just love to follow him.
Rob Malda:
Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda was the founder and longtime editor of Slashdot, a site designed by and for the techier side of the Internet crowd. Slashdot surfaces smart and insightful tech news, cementing it as a reliable resource for those who want to know what’s really going on in the tech world. Malda left Slashdot in August 2011, but with his personal blog, we have no doubts he will remain influential in Internetland.
Amit Agarwal:
Amit Agarwal is an Indian blogger and the founder of Digital Inspiration.[2] Digital Inspiration mainly contains rewritten articles on common internet topics. He claims to be specialist in blogging about new advances in the field of technology. His blog "Digital Inspiration" was awarded the "Best Technology Award" at Indibloggies in 2006 and 2008. He has been involved in advocating freedom of speech and an end to internet censorship in India.
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