People who are into blogging from few years might have come across some of the names like Neil Patel, Yaro Starak, Pat Flynn, Brian Clark, Darren Rowse, John Chow, Jeremy Schoemaker, Michael Dunlop. These pro bloggers are world famous for their money making guides and tips. Their fat income reports drive many people go crazy. They show the potential on how some one can make money online through their blog or content. I thought to share some Indian bloggers who serve the same purpose as they do. Hopefully this list contains few bloggers who have made such difference being an Indian, I collected only people from India and few also operate on other niche like blogging tips, template customization, WordPress etc apart from making money. So India still needs someone who could fit the world class list which I have mentioned above.
1. Shout Me Loud (Harsh Agarwal): Harsh Agarwal is a Delhi based blogger who is the founder and content writer for a top How to blog called ShoutMeLoud. His blog has been in the
list of top 10 Indian blogs and is growing stronger and stronger with various guest writers. ShoutMeLoud primarily focuses on various Blogging tips, Make Money online, SEO, WordPress, Affiliate marketing,internet tools and Internet marketing. This blog has various articles on how a person can earn money from home using a blog. His income report too does inspires many newbies to start blogging. His main stream on income is affiliate marketing rather than adsense so if you are interested in affiliate marketing then you can take classes from him.
2. HellBound Bloggers(Pradeep Kumar): Pradeep founded HBB when he was just 17 and loves blogging very much. His blog contains variety of articles ranging from blogging tips, SEO, WordPress tips and of course many online money making articles written by many guest authors. This blog has more than 600 guest authors serving with articles. So a newbie who is interested to learn how to make money online can find HBB as a handy tool. He has his own start up namely slash square under which he runs his blogs and has the idea of expanding it more in future.
3. Monetizeblogging (Amrik Virdi): Amrik has been in the lime light from past few months in the form of interviews or so. He is well known for his unique way of presenting articles on how to make money online also giving useful information on SEO, blogging tips and social media. This guy posts an average of two posts per week and they are killer content articles.Before starting his career as a blogger he used to write books. He also uses podcast and video tutorials to interact with his audience. His blog is well loved by webmasters and other bloggers.
4. Smartbloggerz (Sushant Risodkar): Sushanat is just a 19 years old blogger and an affiliate marketer from Indore who writes for smartbloggers. He started his blogging journey in 2009 and now uses his experience in writing articles to make online income through blogging.He is also featured in retire at 21 blog a famous money making blog run by Micheal Dunlop. His blog also contains articles on products, services, website reviews, SEO and social media. He makes thousands of dollars from his blog and help people discover how to make them.
5. Earningdiary (Lakhyajyoti Saikia): Lakhyajyoti Saikia is an Assamese blogger, who intially used to blog on blogspot but later switched to WordPress by starting earning Dairy. He says he earns not much from his blog but has some good resources. He also has several blogs on different niche. He has a MBA degree and works as a HR in some telecom company. Though he is a part time blogger he updates his blog with guest articles. His blog also contains resources on blogging tips, SEO, investment ideas etc. He also says he is preparing for PhD and learning new methods of earning online income. But I think he should be a professional blogger rather than a part time blogger, well time says it all.
6. Bloggingcage (Kulwant Nagi): Kulwant Nagi a blogger from Haryana is well known for his WordPress tips and online money making articles on his blog called Bloggingcage. He gives out a useful eBook for his subscribers called blogging domination which will teach how to make money online.He introduces himself as Internet Entrepreneur, Network Marketer and a Visionary leader. He teaches people on how to built a money making blog and to take your blog to the next level. He recently rolled out interview series where we can see interviews of some famous potential bloggers.
7. Dollarshower (Ajith Prasad): Dollar shower is founded by Ajith Prasad who writes several articles om online money making along with his wife Vidya. This blog is founded in 2008 and has several articles on blogging tips, SEO and internet marketing. He is a Bangalore based software engineer who blogs part time and also has couple of niche blogs.
8. Methods2earn (Vijayraj Reddy): Vijayraj is a Bangalore based blogger who writes on various methods to earn online. He writes some innovative articles on how to earn money blogging without having any ads on it. He also helps people in Wordpress related issues like installation, custom themes, SEO, directory submissions etc. He also runs blogs on SEO, Career etc. He runs a blog called Start my salary which is also a money related blog.
9. Bloggodown (Gautam Hans): Bloggodown is founded by Gautam Hans which contains many blogging tutorials. He started blogging in the year 2006 and is Delhi based. He describes himself as a social media enthusiast. He loves to write about internet and technology. He is a engineering student who loves technology, games and science. His blog is also filled with several money making ideas through blogging. If you want to build a blog from scratch then his blog is the right place to land.
10. Amit Bhawani: This list could have been incomplete if I wouldn't have mentioned Amit Bhawani's name. He is famous for his tech blog which has many useful resources and adsense tips. Though his blog is inactive these days, but still he earns 6 figure online income. His income report posted few months ago has reveled how much an Indian blogger can make being online. He has his own SEO firm and runs 40 plus blogs from Hyderabad.
Isn't the list a great one, did I miss any blogger from India who writes on making money, then comment below. There are many bloggers who blog on making money online. But for the above list I took the criteria of Alexa ranking, page rank and their social network follower's.
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