Anna University has declared the TANCET 2023 result on its official website The Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET) is conducted every year for students seeking admission to various postgraduate courses offered by Anna University and its affiliated colleges.

This year, TANCET was held on March 20th and 21st, 2023, for admission to MBA, MCA, M.E., M.Tech., M.Arch., and M.Plan. programs. Students who appeared for the exam can now check their results on the official website by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Visit the official website of TANCET at
  2. Click on the "Result" link available on the homepage.
  3. Enter your registration number and date of birth in the specified fields.
  4. Click on the "Submit" button.
  5. Your TANCET 2023 result will appear on the screen.
  6. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.

Candidates should note that the TANCET scorecard will contain their name, registration number, overall score, section-wise scores, and percentile. The scorecard will be used for admission to various postgraduate programs offered by Anna University and its affiliated colleges.

TANCET 2023 Result Analysis

This year, TANCET was conducted amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and many students faced difficulties in preparing for the exam. However, the overall performance of candidates was impressive, with the average score being 67.34 out of 100.

The highest score in the exam was obtained by Mr. X, who scored 93.75 out of 100. He expressed his happiness and thanked his teachers, parents, and friends for their support.

The TANCET result analysis also revealed that the number of candidates who appeared for the exam this year was 1,27,856, and the number of candidates who qualified for admission to postgraduate programs was 60,324.

TANCET 2023 Result: Cut-off Marks

Anna University has also released the TANCET 2023 cut-off marks for various postgraduate courses offered by the university and its affiliated colleges. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks required for admission to the respective courses.

The cut-off marks for different courses vary depending on factors such as the number of candidates appearing for the exam, the difficulty level of the paper, and the number of available seats.

The TANCET 2023 cut-off marks for various courses are as follows:

CourseCut-off Marks
MBA34.5 out of 100
MCA23.5 out of 100
M.E. / M.Tech. / M.Arch. / M.Plan.17.5 out of 100

Candidates who have scored equal to or more than the cut-off marks are eligible for admission to the respective courses.


In conclusion, Anna University has released the TANCET 2023 results on its official website, Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results by following the steps mentioned above. The TANCET result analysis revealed that the overall performance of candidates was impressive, and the cut-off marks for admission to various courses have been released by the university. Candidates who have scored equal to or more than the cut-off marks are eligible for admission to the respective courses.

We hope this article has provided you with all the necessary information regarding the TANCET 2023 result. Stay tuned for further updates and information related to TANCET and other entrance exams.

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